
wear off

拼音 wear off 怎么读

类型 英语造句

wear off的造句


1、I'm afraid the gilt of the ring willwear off before long.(恐怕戒指的镀金层不久就会磨掉。)2、The bottom line is sewingwear off, filter...

1、I'm afraid the gilt of the ring willwear off before long.(恐怕戒指的镀金层不久就会磨掉。)

2、The bottom line is sewingwear off, filter cloth is worn off, severe damage or the bottom of the bag drop.(底部缝纫线被磨断,滤料基布被磨断,严峻时袋底破损或全体掉落。)

3、After a year or two, the honeymoon naturally begins towear off.(一两年之后,蜜月的甜蜜逐渐淡去。)

4、I start to wonder whether this novelty willwear off.(我开始想,这份新鲜感会不会很快过去。)

5、But will the feelingwear off soon after the new-car smell, or will it last, making a naturally happy person even more so?(难道新车味道过了之后她的新车感觉一点都没有减弱?抑或新车的感觉依然,而让她这个天生的乐天派更开心?)

6、The effects of the drug naturallywear off within a few hours.(这药的效力几个小时后会自然消失。)

7、But after a while, that excitement tends towear off and it becomes a chore.(但是过了一段时间,那种兴奋感逐渐消退后,它就往往变成一件苦差事了。)

8、Researchers believe its effects wouldwear off within days, meaning he would again be fertile.(研究人员认为药效仅会持续几天时间,几天后男性将再次恢复生育能力。)

9、In other words, in harder times the friendliness maywear off fast.(换句话说,在更为艰难的时候,这种亲密也会很快消失。)

10、This invisibility effect will slowlywear off with the sim becoming more solid as time progresses.(这个隐形效果会慢慢减弱,与时并进辛变得更加牢固。)

11、The smell of the new paint willwear off in about a week.(新油漆味一个星期后便消散了。)

12、But after one round of questions, its novelty was beginning towear off.(但在一轮答题后,其新奇感开始退去了。)

13、Growth is not a step on the glass to the point of the walk you shouldwear off the edges and corners of the society polite smile.(成长不就是踩着玻璃渣一点一点的走吗应该磨掉棱角学会礼貌微笑了。)

14、But gradually, as you use it more the magical effects of said shampoo seem towear off.(但是,渐渐地,随着使用次数的增加,这种洗发水的神奇效果似乎消失了。)

15、Now that you have taken a pill your headache will soonwear off.(既然你已经服了药片,你的头痛很快就会消退的。)

16、As the enthusiasm and the incentive in the long tail begin towear off, what would be the impact on the businesses that depend on them?(当最初的狂热和激励逐渐破灭,会对依赖它们的商业造成什么样的影响?)

17、If it works, it'll most likelywear off in three months, and we'll do this again.(如果它产生作用,最多能持续3个月,之后我们要再重新注射。)

18、I just did great on the test. I can still feel some of the effects, but they are starting towear off.(在考试当中,我的成绩很棒,到现在我仍然可以感觉到这药的效果,但是它们已经开始渐渐的消退了。)

19、When the effects of alcoholwear off during the night, you'll probably be wide awake again.(当酒精的作用在夜间逐渐消逝时,你就会再次完全的醒来了。)

20、Additionally, the use of shorter-acting local anesthetics allows for timing the block towear off shortly after the procedure is completed.(另外,短效局麻药的使用可以在手术结束短时间内阻滞作用消退。)

21、Warbler: Arctic, wingbars canwear off no problem. Several dark-legged birds came through in spring.(莺:极北柳莺,翼带可能磨损,没问题。有几只暗色脚的在春季时经过。)

wear off 基本释义

wear off

英 [wɛə ɔf] 美 [wɛr ɔf] 

磨损; 逐渐消失

wear off分字造句
