
Wuthering Heights

拼音 Wuthering Heights 怎么读

类型 英语造句

Wuthering Heights的造句


1、Tell Mr Heathcliff,' he answered calmly, `that his son shall come toWuthering Heights tomorrow.(“告诉希刺克厉夫先生,”他平静地回答,“他的...

1、Tell Mr Heathcliff,' he answered calmly, `that his son shall come toWuthering Heights tomorrow.(“告诉希刺克厉夫先生,”他平静地回答,“他的儿子明天就去呼啸山庄。)

2、Have you been toWuthering Heights?(你去过呼啸山庄了?)

3、Chapter 17: (XVII) the Master ofWuthering Heights.(第十七章:呼啸山庄的新主人。)

4、The fugitives marry and return two months later toWuthering Heights.(他们两个逃亡者结了婚,两个月后回到了呼啸山庄。)

5、She knew nothing ofWuthering Heights or Heathcliff.(她对呼啸山庄和希斯克利夫的事一无所知。)

6、Wuthering Heights begins shooting in the fall.(《呼啸山庄》将于秋季开拍。)

7、'I've run all the way here fromWuthering Heights,' she said, gasping for breath.(“我是从呼啸山庄一路跑到这儿的,”她上气不接下气说道。)

8、Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte.(《呼啸山庄》,艾米莉·勃朗特。)

9、On her sixteenth birthday, Catherine goes with Ellen onto the moor and meets Heathcliff to take her back toWuthering Heights to meet Hareton.(在她十六岁的生日上,小凯瑟琳跟艾伦在荒野上玩,她们遇到了希斯克里夫并被带到呼啸山庄见哈里顿。)

10、Some months later, Edgar allows Cathy to meet Linton again (but not atWuthering Heights).(几个月后,埃德加允许小凯西去见小林顿(但不能在呼啸山庄)。)

11、Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr Heathcliff's dwelling.(呼啸山庄是希刺克厉夫先生的住宅名称。)

12、Hindley returns toWuthering Heights with a new wife.(新德里带着新婚的妻子回到了呼啸山庄。)

13、AtWuthering Heights, they find Linton who quarrels with Cathy.(在呼啸山庄,他们看到了正在跟小凯西吵架的小林顿。)

14、I see the house atWuthering Heights has "Earnshaw" carved over the front door. Are they an old family?(我看见呼啸山庄的前门上刻有‘恩肖’字样,是个很老的家族了吧?)

15、He finds Ellen has moved toWuthering Heights.(她发现艾伦搬到了呼啸山庄。)

16、why is he staying atWuthering Heights, the house of a man whom he abhors?(他为什么要住在呼啸山庄,那是他所痛恨的人的房子呀?)

17、Mr Lockwood visits Heathcliff atWuthering Heights who is leasing him Thrushcross Grange.(洛克·伍德先生拜访了住在呼啸山庄的西斯·克里夫,因为他将画眉山庄租给了洛克·伍德。)

18、Ellen learns of Cathy's secret visits toWuthering Heights to see Linton.(艾伦得知了小凯西秘密去往呼啸山庄看望小林顿。)

19、He finds that Ellen is now living atWuthering Heights.(他发现艾伦现在住在呼啸山庄。)

20、Heathcliff overhears and runs away fromWuthering Heights. Ch 9.(希斯·克里夫无意间听到,于是从呼啸山庄离家出走。)

21、Heathcliff arrives at Thrushcross Grange to escort Cathy toWuthering Heights while Ellen must stay.(西斯·克里夫来到画眉山庄来护送小凯西去呼啸山庄,然而艾伦却不能跟着去。)

22、Lockwood returns toWuthering Heights the next day.(第二天,洛克·伍德回到呼啸山庄。)

23、While he is away, Cathy goes exploring on the moor and meets Hareton atWuthering Heights.(在他不在家的时候,凯西来到了荒野上探索并在呼啸山庄遇到了哈里顿。)

24、'Wuthering Heights' is a central book in the canon of English literature.(《呼啸山庄》是英国文学原著经典中非常重要的一部作品。)

25、Much against my inclination, I was persuaded to leaveWuthering Heights and accompany her here.(我很勉强地被劝说离开了呼啸山庄,陪她到这儿来了。)

26、He is staying with Hindley atWuthering Heights and taking advantage of his alcoholism and gambling.(他与新德里一起住在了呼啸山庄,但他利用了新德里的爱酒如命和嗜赌如命。)

27、I thought I was lying in my chamber atWuthering Heights.(我以为我躺在呼啸山庄我的卧房里。)

28、What do you think of his going toWuthering Heights?(你对于他去呼啸山庄有什么想法?)

29、I have run the whole way fromWuthering Heights!(“我从呼啸山庄一路跑来的!”)

Wuthering Heights 基本释义

Wuthering Heights


Wuthering Heights分字造句
