
social concerns

拼音 social concerns 怎么读

类型 英语造句

social concerns的造句


1、How does deep report concerns social justice?(深度报道是如何关注社会公正问题的?)2、Family violence, as a common social phenomenon, has...

1、How does deep report concerns social justice?(深度报道是如何关注社会公正问题的?)

2、Family violence, as a common social phenomenon, has caused the public concerns.(家庭暴力作为一种较普遍的社会现象已引起社会的广泛关注。)

3、Have you ever thought of laughing an AD campaign aboutsocial concerns?(你是否想过开展一项关于社会问题的运动?)

4、Psychological problem of university students has become one of thesocial concerns.(大学生心理问题已成为社会普遍关注的问题之一。)

5、These are the concerns, probably, that most shape their social identity.(可能这才是关注的焦点,这些问题才可能形成他们的社会身份关键。)

6、City update its social, cultural, economic and other aspects of positions were all concerns.(城市更新因其在社会、文化、经济等方面的重要地位而受到各方面的关注。)

7、She concerns herself with social welfare.(她从事社会福利工作。)

8、I am getting resistance and concerns from various groups about the adoption of social software.(我在采用社交软件的过程中,遇到了来自各个团队的阻力和担忧。)

social concerns 基本释义

social concerns

social concerns分字造句
