spinal cord的造句
1、A similar attachment has also been found to thespinal cord via the ligamentum nuchae.(还发现了通过韧带与脊髓的类似附着。)2、The brain st...
1、A similar attachment has also been found to thespinal cord via the ligamentum nuchae.(还发现了通过韧带与脊髓的类似附着。)
2、The brain stem-spinal cord angle is much smaller in partial patients with platybasia and basilar invagination.(部分颅底扁平或颅底凹陷的病人的脑干脊髓角要小得多。)
3、The path to stem cell based therapy forspinal cord injury is not a clear one.(通向以干细胞为基础的脊髓损伤疗法的道路目前还不甚明朗。)
4、Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the thin lining that surrounds the brain and thespinal cord.(脑膜炎是围绕脑和脊髓的薄膜即脑膜(髓膜)感染。)
5、Matt had suffered aspinal cord injury from an accident.(Matt在一次意外中脊髓损伤。)
6、Within weeks, Talbot was fixing his doctor's car at thespinal cord hospital where he was being treated.(连续几周,托尔伯特都在他接受治疗的脊髓医院里帮他的医生修车。)
7、From the infection site, it moves through nerve cells toward thespinal cord and brain.(狂犬病病毒会从感染处通过神经细胞扩散并感染脊髓与大脑。)
8、Yourspinal cord is less hesitant, and it frees conscious thought for the hard problems.(因为脊髓区很少犹豫,它让意识自由地去思考更重要的问题。)
9、Halsted damaged hisspinal cord and became a paraplegic as a result of the accident.(霍尔斯特德伤到了他的脊髓,事故的后果是他成了截瘫。)
10、The objective is to establish a model ofspinal cord organotypic culture in vitroof Sprague Dawlay rat.(目的是通过器官培养的方法建立大鼠器官型脊髓片培养模型。)
11、I had suffered aspinal cord injury-C4 C5 complete and was quadriplegic paralyzed from my shoulders down.(我的C4C5脊髓完全受损,从肩膀以下,四肢瘫痪。)
12、An infection of the fluid around thespinal cord and brain.(在脊髓和大脑里出现的液体感染。)
13、Howard Lyman is a fourth generation cattle rancher. In 1979 he developed cancer in thespinal cord.(霍华德·莱曼是第四代的牧场经营者,在1979年时,他的脊髓患了癌症。)
14、Rather, both sensations were rooted in thespinal cord.(结果是这两种感觉都根植在脊髓深处。)
15、One patient I knew became totally paralyzed overnight from aspinal cord infection.(一位我熟识的病人由于脊髓感染一夜间瘫痪。)
16、The objective is to observe the co-existence of calbindin-D28k (CB) with parvalbumin (PV) in neurons of the anterior horn of thespinal cord in rats.(目的是观察大鼠脊髓前角神经元内维生素D依赖性钙结合蛋白(CB)与小白蛋白(PV)的共存情况。)
17、Further down the line here, if we looked in the adult brain orspinal cord and other regions, we'll find committed progenitor cells.(沿着这条线再往后,如果我们看看成人的大脑或者脊髓和其他部位,我们就能找到定向祖细胞。)
18、The cytoarchitectonic organization of the cervicalspinal cord of the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's stain method.(用尼氏染色法研究了树鼩颈脊髓的细胞构筑结构。)
19、Ourspinal cord is not merely a trunk line transmitting phone calls from the brain. It too thinks.(我们的脊髓不仅仅是传递大脑指令的“电话干线”,它也能思考。)
20、Meningiomas arise from the meninges, the membrane surrounding thespinal cord and brain.(脑膜瘤则诞生于脑膜中,而脊髓和大脑上都有膜片覆盖。)
21、Geron's trial is of a treatment for paralysis caused by damage to thespinal cord.(Geron的实验是关于脊髓损伤导致瘫痪的治疗。)
22、Almost all sensory information from the trunk and limbs passes through thespinal cord.(几乎所有来自躯干及四肢的感官信息都经由脊髓传递。)
23、Reparies to the nervous system will start with optic nerves and, in time, thespinal cord.(对神经系统的修复将从视神经开始,并适时地从脊髓开始。)
24、They can at least reach to the intumescentia of thespinal cord.(他们至少可以抵达脊髓的隆起处。)
25、Meningitis is an infection of the tissue that covers the brain andspinal cord.(脑膜炎是一种覆盖大脑和脊髓的组织被感染的疾病。)
26、There's an axon leading from yourspinal cord to your big toe for instance.(比如,有的轴突能从你的脊髓,一直延伸到你的脚趾。)
27、Another fledgling firm is hoping to apply the technology tospinal cord injuries.(另一家新公司希望能用这种技术治疗脊髓损伤。)
28、Corticosterone, progesterone, estradiol a nd deoxycorticosterone showed no effects on the glycine uptake inspinal cord synaptosomes.(皮质酮,孕酮,雌二醇和脱氧皮质酮对脊髓突触小体中的甘氨酸摄取没有影响。)
spinal cord 基本释义
spinal cord
英 [ˈspaɪnəl kɔ:d] 美 [ˈspaɪnəl kɔrd]
第三人称复数:spinal cords