1、Before being fitted with her artificial fin, which her handlers refer to as her "ninja suit," Allison the green sea tu...
1、Before being fitted with her artificial fin, which her handlers refer to as her "ninja suit," Allison the green sea turtle could only swim around in tight circles because she only had oneflipper.(艾莉森的饲养员把她的鳍比作“忍者服”,由于在装上人工鳍之前她只有一只鳍,所以这只绿海龟只能在很有限的范围里游。)
2、The collision of steel strip withflipper guide was observed on finish rolling unit.(现场观察发现了钢板撞击精轧机组侧导板现象。)
3、The collision of steel strip withflipper guide on finish rolling unit is the reason…(避免钢板撞击精轧机组侧导板是消除结疤缺陷提高热轧板材质量关键因素之一。)
4、Michael Beasley: He would rather put up aflipper than try to dunk over or through a nasty big man.(迈克尔-比斯利:他宁愿举起脚鸭板也不尝试扣篮或突破一个讨厌的大个。)
5、Aflipper or flattened appendage of certain animals.(某些动物身上的鳍状肢或扁平附肢。)
6、The boy and the 300-to 800-pound animals often played tag, with Jeff and the dolphins racing around the pool to slap a predetermined point, or giving each other hand-to-flipper high-fives.(男孩与这些体重300-800磅的动物经常玩捉猫猫游戏——杰夫和海豚们绕着水池跑,拍击预先设定好的点,或者给对方一个手鳍相击。)
7、The green sea turtle, could only swim around in a very limited range because she only had oneflipper.(这只绿海龟只能在很有限的范围里游,因为她只有一只鳍。)
8、The littleflipper bird asked me a perceptive question. A question like that deserves an answer.(这只小蹼鸟问了我一个很敏锐的问题,一个必须给出答案的问题。)
9、When this inland sea retreated, Hamilton hypothesizes, the Amazon dolphins remained in the river basin, evolving into striking creatures that bear little resemblance to our belovedflipper.(哈密尔顿推测,当这片内陆海退去,亚马逊河豚却留了下来,逐渐进化为一种恐怖动物,与我们钟爱的鳍状肢动物,外貌上已大相径庭了。)
10、A dolphin swims up to them and lies directly next to them, waving with hisflipper!(海豚游向他们并直接躺在他们旁边,挥舞着鳍状肢!)
11、The annual event, held in honor of International bog Day, requires thatflipper-outfitted snorkelers swim along a 360-foot (111-meter) stretch of bog without using conventional swimming strokes.(一年一度的该项赛事是为了纪念国际沼泽地日,比赛要求穿着脚蹼的潜水者不使用常规的游泳姿势游过一条360英尺(111米)的路程。)
12、The seal'sflipper is homologous with the human arm.(海豹的鳍肢与人类的手臂同源。)
13、Not only that, but when a wave threatened to return the seal to danger, the humpback used its massiveflipper (at five metres, the longest in the animal kingdom) to nudge it back on.(不仅如此,当一个浪头即将把海豹扫回险境之时,座头鲸还利用它的巨大的鳍状肢(五米长,动物王国中最长的)把它轻轻地推了回来。)
14、Reptiles, inhabit, species, leatherback,flipper, lung, shell, predator, hatch.(爬行动物,居住,物种,棱皮,脚蹼,肺,贝壳,捕食,孵化。)
15、Shaft handle golf, racket, bicycle, skiing and water skiing equipment etc; diving equipmentflipper, googles, respiratory siphon, torch, braking rubber, sports pad etc.(手把类高尔夫球,各种球拍,脚踏车,滑雪滑水器材等;潜水器材蛙鞋,蛙镜,呼吸管,手电筒,刹车制,运动护垫等。)
16、The leatherback accomplishes this by arranging the blood vessels in the base of itsflipper into a countercurrent exchange system.(棱皮龟通过将鳍状肢底部的血管排列成逆流交换系统来完成这一过程。)
17、Then, with incredible gentleness for such an enormous creature, the larger manatee nudged the little one with her paddle-shapedflipper and pushed it to the surface beside me.(接着,那个大个的海牛用它浆一样的脚掌推着那个小家伙,把它推出水面,推到我旁边,那动作温柔的让人无法相信来自这么巨大的生物。)
18、Her prosthetic fin acts like a rudder and keeps her stable. The turtle has learned how to flap her one goodflipper in unique ways to change direction.(她的仿生鳍就像个舵,用来保持平衡。这只海龟已经学会用独特的方式划那只完好的鳍来变方向。)
19、What you doing down there,flipper bird?(你在下面干嘛,小小鸟?)
20、You guessed it. One minute our diver was making likeflipper in the Pacific, the next he was doing a breaststroke in a fire bucket 300 feet in the air.(你猜对了,前一分钟我们的潜水员还在太平洋里用脚蹼游水,下一分钟他就在300英尺高空的一个救火水桶里做蛙泳了。)
21、The utility model is especially applicable to prepare surfboard andflipper of water sports equipment which is made of fiber glass reinforced plastics.(本实用新型特别适用于玻璃钢水上运动器材冲浪板及其鱼鳍的制备。)
22、Amazon dolphins bear little resemblance to our belovedflipper.(亚马逊河豚和我们钟爱的鳍状肢动物一点儿都不像。)
23、Once there, the femalesflipper flight over the males and those that succeed 'waddle walk' with their partners.(曾经有一次,女性比男性小飞行和那些成功的蹒跚行走”与他们的合作伙伴。)
24、Theflipper turn signals had finally given way to more conventional lights, but there was still no gas gauge.(在1961年版甲壳虫上,这种设计终于被后来常见的传统转向灯所取代,但是车里还是没有油表。)
25、An anterior appendage, such as a leg, wing, orflipper.(前肢,上肢动物前部的附肢,如前腿、前翅、前鳍等。)
26、There is not much that the turtle can do about this without compromising the aerodynamic shape of theflipper.("如果海龟没有符合流体动力学结构的鳍的话,他们也不能解决这个问题。)
flipper 基本释义
英 [ˈflɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈflɪpɚ]