off the hook的造句
1、But since Iceland's population is a mere 300, 000, they'reoff the hook.(但是由于冰岛的人口仅有30万人,他们正摆脱困境。)2、He left the phoneof...
1、But since Iceland's population is a mere 300, 000, they'reoff the hook.(但是由于冰岛的人口仅有30万人,他们正摆脱困境。)
2、He left the phoneoff the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed.(他不想被电话打扰,就把电话听筒摘下来了。)
3、Once I got voicemail. But usually it ringsoff the hook.(有一次我接通了语音信箱,但是通常电话都无人接听。)
4、I'll let youoff the hook this time, but don't do that again.(这次不罚你,下次不要这样干了。)
5、Garrison's phones have been ringingoff the hook since the house was put on the market on Friday.(这套豪宅于上周五开始出售后,加里森的电话都被打爆了。)
6、But what they detest is the idea that it might let feckless Italians and Portugueseoff the hook.(但是他们讨厌他们实行的解救欧元区的计划也会让意大利和葡萄牙摆脱困境。)
7、I'moff the hook now.(我现在解脱了。)
8、The next day, our phone started ringingoff the hook.(第二天,我们的电话开始响个不停。)
9、Since war broke out, the phones at donation centres have been ringingoff the hook.(自从战争爆发以来,捐款中心的电话一直响个不停。)
10、But EU diplomats say none of this will let Turkeyoff the hook over Cyprus.(但是欧盟的外交官说,没什么能让土耳其绕开塞浦路斯问题。)
11、The scariest thing about these words is that they let youoff the hook.(这两个字的最可怕之处是让你逃脱困境。)
12、But let us not pretend that it lets usoff the hook.(但是,让我们不要假装这样做我们就可以逃脱责任了。)
13、Aren't you just letting himoff the hook?(你这不是在给他开脱吗?)
14、They took the phoneoff the hook so no calls would disturb them.(他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。)
15、Officials accused of bribery and corruption getoff the hook with monotonous regularity.(被指控受贿和贪污的官员无一例外总能脱身。)
16、So shouldn't they, too, beoff the hook - based on the Sony precedent?(所以他们就也不用,像脱离了钓钩—基于索尼的先例?)
17、And skinny people are notoff the hook when it comes to the risks of sedentary behavior.(当谈到久坐行为的风险时,瘦小的人也不能幸免。)
18、I'd taken my phoneoff the hook in order to get some sleep.(我把电话听筒拿了下来,以便可以睡会儿觉。)
19、Security officials would also beoff the hook.(负责安全的官员们也应该能摆脱责任。)
20、"The study doesn't let transgressorsoff the hook, " said Garcia.(“这项研究不是让感情不忠者开脱,”加西亚说。)
21、The phone has been ringingoff the hook with offers of help.(表示愿意提供援助的电话接连不断。)
22、Still, certain sugar sources may not be entirelyoff the hook.(不过,某些糖类可能也逃脱不了干系。)
23、It wasn't about letting the other personoff the hook and forgetting what they had done.(不是让别人摆脱困境,忘掉他们的所作所为。)
24、So I often encourage people to let themselvesoff the hook, cut themselves some slack.(因此我通常鼓励人们脱离有问题的情况或轻松一些。)
25、Just because the oil spill is plugged doesn't mean we'reoff the hook: there's still work to do.(石油泄漏被堵住了,但这并不意味着我们大功告成可以松一口气;还有许多工作要去做。)
26、You don't getoff the hook that easily.(可不能那么便宜了你。)
27、That lets Mr Kibakioff the hook far too easily.(这使齐贝吉先生能容易的摆脱困境。)
28、On birthdays, I'd shut the door and take the phoneoff the hook.(我生日那天我锁好门拿着电话就躲开朋友们了。)
off the hook 基本释义
off the hook
英 [ɔf ðə huk] 美 [ɔf ði hʊk]