

拼音 fit 怎么读

类型 英语造句



1、Anotherfit of coughing seized him.(他那咳嗽又一次发作了。)2、The waist expands tofit all sizes.(腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。)3、Where do Ifit in?(...

1、Anotherfit of coughing seized him.(他那咳嗽又一次发作了。)

2、The waist expands tofit all sizes.(腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。)

3、Where do Ifit in?(哪里有我适合的地方?)

4、Something doesn't quitefit here.(这里有点不大协调。)

5、The facts certainlyfit your theory.(这些事实和你的说法丝毫不差。)

6、I've eaten so much I'mfit to burst.(我吃得太多,肚子快要撑破了。)

7、These insertsfit inside any style of shoe.(这些鞋垫适合任何式样的鞋。)

8、She tries to keepfit by jogging every day.(她每天慢跑以保持健康。)

9、On paper, several of the applicantsfit the bill.(从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。)

10、The punishment shouldfit the crime.(罚宜当罪。)

11、The lid shouldfit snugly.(盖子要盖紧。)

12、She lookedfit and sunburned.(她看上去挺健康,晒得一身古铜色。)

13、Her daughter doesn'tfit the current feminine ideal.(她女儿不符合当今女性观念。)

14、You're not in afit state to drive.(你现在的状态不宜开车。)

15、The key doesn'tfit the lock.(这把钥匙打不开这把锁。)

16、Your car isn'tfit to be on the road!(你的车子还不适合上马路!)

17、It'llfit if you stand it on end.(如果把它竖着就放得进去了。)

18、He is always suntanned and incrediblyfit.(他总是把皮肤晒得黝黑,非常健康。)

19、He's wonderfullyfit for his age.(他年纪那么大,可身体出奇地好。)

20、This food is notfit for human consumption.(这种食物不适合人食用。)

21、You're notfit to be a mother!(你不适合做母亲!)

22、We can'tfit in any more chairs.(我们没有地方再摆更多的椅子了。)

23、The food was notfit for human consumption.(这食物不适合人吃。)

24、I can't find clothes tofit me.(我找不到合身的衣服。)

25、I tried the dress on but it didn'tfit.(我试穿了那连衣裙,但不合身。)

26、The new sweater was a tightfit.(这件新毛衣很贴身。)

27、Their bodies were well developed and superfit.(他们的身体发育良好,极其健康。)

28、Afit of dizziness came over her.(她感到一阵头晕目眩。)

29、I work out regularly to keepfit.(我经常做运动以保持健康。)

fit 基本释义


英 [fɪt] 美 [fɪt] 

副词: fitly 比较级: fitter 最高级: fittest 名词: fitter 过去式: fitted/fit 过去分词: fitted 现在分词: fitting 第三人称单数: fits




