ozone layer的造句
1、Theozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun gives off.(臭氧层阻隔了太阳发出的一些有害射线。)2、Some raise their eyes heavenward...
1、Theozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun gives off.(臭氧层阻隔了太阳发出的一些有害射线。)
2、Some raise their eyes heavenwards, launching weekly balloons to probe theozone layer, watching with wonder the northern lights higher still.(有些人将目光投向天空,每周放出气球探测臭氧层的变化,并观看那更高之处的极光。)
3、Current research suggests, though, that any risk to theozone layer is probably not sufficient reason to abandon the idea.(不过,目前的研究表明,任何对臭氧层的威胁都不足以成为抛弃这些设想的依据。)
4、As theozone layer is depleted, more UV radiation reaches the Earth's surface.(当臭氧层消失时,更多的紫外线辐射到达地球表面。)
5、Scientists believe the sunburns are due to increasing levels of ultraviolet radiation resulting from the thinningozone layer.(科学家们相信灼伤是因为臭氧层变薄,致使紫外线辐射等级增加而引起的。)
6、This is where the planet'sozone layer sits, filtering out ultraviolet radiation from the sun.(地球臭氧层位于平流层,过滤来自太阳的紫外线辐射。)
7、Climate change and the depletedozone layer are among the starkest examples.(气候变化和臭氧层耗减就是其中最明显的例子。)
8、Altering the atmosphere could also weaken solar power and reverse years of work to close the hole in theozone layer.(改变大气也会削弱太阳能,并让为关闭臭氧层空洞所做的多年努力付诸东流。)
9、Very expensive and would require some serious rocket building to enable so many launches, which could cause problems for theozone layer.(这个方案十分昂贵,而且为了将这么多遮阳板发射到太空中,可能需要建造许多火箭,而这可能会破坏臭氧层。)
10、The destruction of Earth'sozone layer, for example, could contribute to the general process of impoverishment by allowing ultra-violet rays to harm plants and animals.(例如,地球臭氧层的破坏会使紫外线伤害植物和动物,从而导致普遍的贫困进程。)
11、Although CFCs have been banned, theozone layer is still being depleted from gases released many years ago, and holes exist above both poles.(尽管氯氟烃已经被禁用,但是由于多年前排出的气体,臭氧层仍然继续被损耗,目前在地球两极上方都有臭氧层空洞。)
12、Theozone layer in Earth's upper atmosphere has stopped thinning, concludes a new report.(根据最新一项研究报告表明,地球上空的大气臭氧层开始停止变薄。)
13、But theozone layer is not yet safe.(但是即使如此,臭氧层依然没有获得安全保障。)
14、Apart from global warming, Mr Ban will meet people affected by another environmental problem-the emergence of a hole in theozone layer.(除了了解全球变暖问题,潘基文还将会见受到臭氧层空洞影响的人们。)
15、One reason for rejecting sulphate hazing out of hand might be the damage it could do to theozone layer.(一个拒绝草率地喷洒硫酸雾的原因是,这种方法可能会对臭氧层造成破坏。)
16、And, this is what you hear a lot about in the news, Kyoto, and all this kind of thing about destruction of theozone layer.(这是你所听到了很多新闻里相关的东西,京都议定书,以及所有这类破坏臭氧层的事情。)
17、There is strong evidence to show that the hole in theozone layer is expanding at an alarming rate.(有确凿的证据显示臭氧层上的空洞正在以惊人的速度扩大。)
18、It is widely known that CFCs can damage theozone layer.(众所周知氯氟烃会破坏臭氧层。)
19、They will press for international action to safeguard theozone layer.(他们将竭力要求国际行动来保护臭氧层。)
20、Theozone layer protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays.(臭氧层可以保护地球上的生物免受有害紫外线的辐射。)
21、Theozone layer screens out dangerous rays from the sun.(臭氧层能遮挡住来自太阳的有害射线。)
22、Global warming is caused by holes in theozone layer and the steady buildup of carbon.(全球变暖是由臭氧层破洞和不断积累的二氧化碳造成的。)
23、When theozone layer was thinning, chemicals causing it were banned.(如臭氧层变薄,其根源化学品被禁止。)
24、Theozone layer shields the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays.(臭氧层保护地球不受太阳紫外线的辐射。)
ozone layer 基本释义
ozone layer
英 [ˈəuzəun ˈleiə] 美 [ˈoˌzon ˈleɚ]