lift up的造句
1、Who are you going tolift up?(你所将要高举的是什么呢?)2、lift up your eyes and see your dream play out in your mind.(抬起双眼你会看到梦想在脑海绽...
1、Who are you going tolift up?(你所将要高举的是什么呢?)
2、lift up your eyes and see your dream play out in your mind.(抬起双眼你会看到梦想在脑海绽放。)
3、lift up your voice and claim your dignity.(提高你的嗓音宣告你的尊严。)
4、Everyday she takes thelift up and down.(每天她乘电梯上下。)
5、But you are a shield around me, o Lord; you bestow glory on me andlift up my head.(但你耶和华是我四围的盾牌。是我的荣耀,又是叫我抬起头来的。)
6、Then said he unto me, Son of man,lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north.(神对我说,人子阿,你举目向北观看。)
7、Could youlift up your shirt? Did you eat anything yesterday?(请你把衬衫拉高,昨天你吃了什么东西吗?)
8、Nowlift up your weight and put the second section on top.(拿开你的重物,放上第二页纸。)
9、If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be righteous, yet will I notlift up my head.(我若行恶,便有了祸。我若为义,也不敢抬头。)
10、After millions of years, powerful geological forces, like underwater volcanoeslift up the ocean sediments to form new land.(数百万年后,强大的地质力量,比如海底火山,会掀起海洋沉积物,形成新的陆地。)
11、"Can Ilift up his coat?" giggled one as she waited for a photograph.(她在等待照相时笑嘻嘻地问:“我能拎起他的外套吗?”)
12、Unto thee, o LORD, do Ilift up my soul.(耶和华阿,我的心仰望你。)
13、I willlift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.(我要举起救恩的杯,称扬耶和华的名。)
14、There are some things that may help youlift up your mood.(这儿有些方法能帮助你改善你的心绪。)
15、lift up thy face, and smile upon the people.(抬起您的脸,对人民微笑吧。)
16、The strongest ant canlift up to 100 times its own body weight.(一直强壮的蚂蚁能够举起它体重100倍的东西。)
17、lift up your hand, o God.(神阿,求你举手。)
18、Plows cut into the ground, andlift up weeds, and other unwanted plants.(用犁把地犁开,拔除杂草和其他不需要的植物。)
19、I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I willlift up my hands.(我还活的时候,要这样称颂你。我要奉你的名举手。)
20、BEAR can travel over rugged terrain andlift up to 500 pounds.(BEAR能够通过崎岖地带并负重500磅。)
21、Thus I will bless You while I live; I willlift up my hands in Your name.(因此在我活着的时候我会祝福你:我会以你的名义举起我的手。)
22、The crane moves around the hall. It canlift up to 20 tons of weight at a time.(起重机绕着大厅旋转,可一次举起高达20吨的重量。)
23、If youlift up a heavy rock, you may find a centipede living under it.(如果你举起一块大石,可能会发现底下有蜈蚣。)
24、Ilift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from?(我要向山举目。我的帮助从何而来。)
25、Don't be afraid tolift up your hands towards heaven and cry out to HIM.(不要怕,向上举起你的手大声呼叫主。)
26、They took thelift up to the third floor and walked along the quiet hallway.(他们乘电梯到了3楼,然后走过寂静的过道。)
27、He will drink from a brook beside the way; therefore he willlift up his head.(他要喝路旁的河水,因此必抬起头来。)
lift up 基本释义
lift up
英 [lift ʌp] 美 [lɪft ʌp]
升起; 举起; 鼓舞; 激励