mississippi river的造句
1、Later the car was found burned beside themississippi river levee, with a charred corpse inside.(后来,这辆车在密西西比河岸堤被找到,但连同车...
1、Later the car was found burned beside themississippi river levee, with a charred corpse inside.(后来,这辆车在密西西比河岸堤被找到,但连同车内的尸体都已经被烧焦。)
2、No one thought the Interstate 35w bridge across themississippi river in Minneapolis would collapse.(没有人料到明尼阿波利斯州州际公路上跨越密西西比河的35W桥会坍塌。)
3、People take a look atmississippi river floodwaters on Sunday, May 8, 2011, in Memphis, Tenn.(人们看着密西西比河的洪水。2011年5月8日,星期天,孟斐斯。)
4、Introduced in Arkansas in the 1970s, Asian carp have swum up themississippi river, eating and spawning ravenously.(在二十世纪七十年代在阿肯色引进亚洲鲫鱼之后,该鱼种就溯游到密西西比河,贪婪地狂吃食物和快速繁衍。)
5、A snake swims inmississippi river floodwaters in Holly Grove, Arkansas, on Tuesday.(星期二一条蛇正游在阿肯色州的霍利·格罗伟的密西西比河洪水中。)
6、Between the clouds, however, a silvery-gray streak of oil remained visible offshore of themississippi river Delta.(然而在云层之间,在密西西比河三角洲的离岸水域上,银灰色的浮油条纹依旧可见。)
7、mississippi river flooding (spring and summer): $2 billion to $4 billion in damage(密西西比河的春季和夏季洪水:损失20亿美元至40亿美元。)
8、He will visit Memphis, Tennessee, where themississippi river reached nearly record levels earlier this week.(他将访问田纳西州的孟菲斯市。本周早些时候,该市密西西比河水位接近历史最高水平。)
9、Themississippi river may be mightier than anyone ever imagined.(密西西比河可能比任何人想象的还要强大。)
10、River traffic continues on the floodedmississippi river at Memphis, Tenn.(斐菲斯的密西西比河,航运任然在继续。)
11、The water level of themississippi river is already 6.5 feet below normal.(密西西比河的水位已经比正常水位低6.5英尺。)
12、Water spills out of the Gulf of Mexico where their suspended sediment is deposited to form themississippi river Delta(从墨西哥湾冲出的水流携带的悬浮式泥沙沉淀到了密西西比河三角洲中。)
13、They're called Asian carp, and they emigrated to the lower reaches of themississippi river in the 1970s.(他们是70年代迁移至密西西比河下游的亚洲鲤鱼。)
14、Themississippi river Delta is speckled with clouds and outlined by a wide border of greenish-tan sediment.(密西西比河三角洲上空如斑点般散布着烟云,褐绿色的沉积物勾勒着三角洲广阔的边界。)
15、Most of the population lived east of themississippi river. But more and more people were moving west.(大部分人居住在密西西比河的东岸,但是越来越多的人向西安转移。)
16、It was no sure bet, because in rural areas beyond themississippi river, the roads varied from poor to nonexistent.(这并不是一项有把握的赌注,因为超过密西西比河以外的乡村道路变化很大,路面常会消失不见。)
17、It is second only to themississippi river in width.(它的宽度仅次于密西西比河。)
18、Why should they go to a strange land far beyond themississippi river?(为什么要让他们迁到密西西比河对岸一片遥远的陌生之地?)
19、The oil slick also blends with sediment washing into the Gulf from themississippi river.(浮油混合着沉积物从密西西比河拍打到海湾。)
mississippi river 基本释义
mississippi river
[经] 密西西比河