
neither nor

拼音 neither nor 怎么读

类型 英语造句

neither nor的造句


1、Neither Mr. Rose nor Mr. Woodhead was available for comment yesterday.(罗斯先生和伍德黑德先生昨天都没有时间做出评论。)2、Pinocchio looked at t...

1、Neither Mr. Rose nor Mr. Woodhead was available for comment yesterday.(罗斯先生和伍德黑德先生昨天都没有时间做出评论。)

2、Pinocchio looked at the jug and said neither yes nor no.(皮诺乔看着水罐,既没说是也没说不是。)

3、Neither he nor his archrival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.(他和他的头号对手朱塞佩·德·丽塔都没有赢。)

4、Neither too hot nor too cold.(既不太热也不太冷。)

5、The aloof composer neither worried nor cared about public opinion.(这位超然的作曲家对舆论既不担心,也不在意。)

6、She had neither the time nor the inclination to help them.(她既没有时间也不愿意帮助他们。)

7、I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him.(我既不知道也不关心他出了什么事。)

8、An opera singer, for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage.(例如,歌剧演唱者在舞台上既不跳舞也不讲话。)

9、She lives in retirement, neither making nor receiving visits.(她过着隐退的生活,既不访客,也不见客。)

10、Their house is neither big nor small.(他们的房子不大也不小。)

11、I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.(我既未欺诈又未犯法。)

12、Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions.(既不诱供也不逼供。)

13、The backwoods folks and the swamp dwellers owned neither horses nor mules.(边远地区的人和沼泽地带的居民既无马也没有骡子。)

14、Neither know I, nor care.(我不知道,也不在乎。)

15、He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidize.(他发明了一种制造程序,使金线既不会腐蚀也不会氧化。)

16、In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.(公正地说,他不得不承认她既非不诚实也非懒惰。)

17、He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold.(他喜欢茶不太烫也不太凉。)

18、She seemed neither surprised nor worried.(她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。)

19、Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health insurance nor wage security.(一些工人合法受雇用,但大多数人是非正式的,既没有健康保险,也没有工资保障。)

20、You will suffer neither hunger nor thirst!(你既不会饿也不会渴!)

21、He neither saw nor heard.(他既没看见,也没听见。)

22、On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.(星期五他既不庄重也不体面。这可是他少有的失礼。)

23、Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German.(久松教授既不讲英语,也不讲德语。)

24、What might have happened is neither here nor there.(曾经发生过什么事已经都不重要了。)

25、He had neither the time nor the inclination to think of other things.(他既没时间也无意考虑其他事宜。)

26、He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.(他既没有谋略也没有个人魅力去鼓舞人。)

27、It soon emerged that neither the July nor August mortgage payment had been collected.(很快显示的是7月和8月的抵押款都没有被收取。)

28、I can give you neither an opinion nor any advice.(我既不能给你一个意见,也不能给你任何建议。)

29、I'm worried about neither English nor math.(我既不担心英语也不担心数学。)

30、In brief, her works neither elevate nor instruct.(简而言之,她的作品既没有升华,也没有说教。)

neither nor 基本释义

neither nor

英 [ˈni:ðə nɔ:] 美 [ˈniðɚ nɔr] 


neither nor分字造句
