in a low voice的造句
1、"A Wolf pack has denned in the hills above town for at least a decade," he saysin a low voice as we walk.(“狼群在城镇前的山中穴居...
1、"A Wolf pack has denned in the hills above town for at least a decade," he saysin a low voice as we walk.(“狼群在城镇前的山中穴居至少十年了,”他用和我们走路时一样低的声音说着。)
2、The gendarme, who is a good fellow, nudges my elbow, and says to mein a low voice, 'Come, answer!(这位兵士是个好人,他摇着我的胳膊,细声细气向我说:‘回答吧。’)
3、Say what you feelin a low voice, not in a loud voice.(小声说你的感受,不要大声说。)
4、The woman asked mein a low voice, "Don't they sell any food at that pet store?"(那个女人低声问我:“那家宠物店不卖食品吗?”)
5、One of them drew aside the captain of the guard, andin a low voice whispered to him.(其中一个将侍卫首领拉到一边,低声耳语。)
6、The bank President said somethingin a low voice and went into his office.(行长低声说了句什么就进了办公室。)
7、He always speaksin a low voice.(他说话声音总是很低。)
8、I listened to him talking to someonein a low voice in his room.(我听着他在房间里和一个人低声谈话。)
9、'How do you like the Queen?' said the Catin a low voice.(“你喜欢王后吗?”猫轻声说。)
10、"I know," he responded,in a low voice, almost a whisper.(“我知道。”他用一种低沉几如絮语的声音答道。)
11、Whopper spokein a low voice, but the man on the telephone heard him clearly.(华勃虽然压低音量,但是那个在讲电话的男人却很清楚地听到他说的话。)
12、The King looked anxiously at the White Rabbit, who saidin a low voice, "Your Majesty must cross-examine THIS witness."(国王不安地看着兔子,兔子低声说:“陛下必须盘问这个证人。”)
13、"I shall never see Narnia," said Breein a low voice.(“我将永远见不到纳尼亚了。”布里用低沉的声音说道。)
14、These men began to talkin a low voice.(这些人开始低声说话。)
15、The Cat saidin a low voice.(猫低声说。)
16、He told me the newsin a low voice.(他低声地告诉了我这个消息。)
17、Heidi repeatedin a low voice.(海蒂低声重复道。)
18、"Professor Dumbledore cared about Harry, very much," said Hermionein a low voice.(“邓布利多教授关心哈利,非常关心。”赫敏低声说。)
19、He gave his daughter the pink box and said to herin a low voice, "Take this gift box home with great care."(他把那个粉红色的盒子递给了女儿,低声对她说:“把这个礼品盒带回家,要特别小心。”)
20、Dahlia, as she ate, saidin a low voice to Favourite, amid the uproar.(大丽吃个不停,从喧杂的语声中对宠儿说。)
21、The Bishop drew near to him, and saidin a low voice.(主教走到他身边,低声向他说。)
22、Althoughin a low voice, he enunciated every word clearly.(他声音很低但字眼咬得很清楚。)
23、"Perhaps he—he won't let me," she hesitatedin a low voice.(“也许他——他不会让我碰他的。”她犹豫着低声说。)
24、We shouldn't talkin a low voice in class.(我们不应该在课堂上讲悄悄话。)
25、"The police are here," she saidin a low voice.(“警察在这儿,”她低声说。)
26、Javert repeatedin a low voice:--"Number 7."(沙威小声重复一遍:“七号。”)
27、Said Wang Lungin a low voice.(王龙低声说。)
28、He said,in a low voice, "The moon might come out at any moment."(他低声说:“月亮随时都可能出来。”)
in a low voice 基本释义
in a low voice