
in large quantities

拼音 in large quantities 怎么读

类型 英语造句

in large quantities的造句


1、Do you usually buyin large quantities?(你们的订购量通常都很大吗?)2、This medicine is toxic if takenin large quantities.(这种药若服用过量是有毒...

1、Do you usually buyin large quantities?(你们的订购量通常都很大吗?)

2、This medicine is toxic if takenin large quantities.(这种药若服用过量是有毒的。)

3、Potential methane release (s)in large quantities represents one of those great unknowns in climate change.(潜在的甲烷大量释放(s)代表气候变化中的一大未知数。)

4、Many of the subcompacts on our list have been soldin large quantities to fleets, which immediately diminishes their value.(被列入名单的许多超小型汽车都大量卖给车队,这就让它们马上掉价。)

5、Do you give a discount if we buy itin large quantities?(如果我们购买的数量多,你能不能给打折扣?)

6、His paper was outin large quantities.(他的票据大量地流在外面。)

7、But carbon nanotubes are very expensive to make, especiallyin large quantities.(但是(尤其是大规模)制造碳纳米管是非常昂贵的。)

8、You can find elsewhere in the solar system, very rare metals and mineralsin large quantities.(你可以在太阳系的其它地方找到大量的极其稀有的矿物和金属。)

9、It is usually economical to buy washing powderin large quantities.(大量购买洗衣粉通常要省钱些。)

10、One of the downsides of the drug is finding enough supplies of blood to manufacture itin large quantities.(而这种药物的一个限制是,需要寻找足够多的血液供应来进行大规模生产。)

11、They always buyin large quantities.(他们总是大量购买。)

12、Alcohol can also damage the liver and do great harm if consumedin large quantities.(酒会损害肝脏,如果大量饮用会造成很大的伤害。)

13、Roman pottery was transported not onlyin large quantities but also over substantial distances.(罗马的陶器不仅运输量大,运输距离也很遥远。)

14、Huangyan is currently the most important local mandarin base in China and is exported to the worldin large quantities every year.(黄岩是目前中国最重要的本地造蜜橘基地,每年大量出口全球。)

15、Most products are cheaper when they are producedin large quantities; costs typically drop as production volumes increase.(大部分的产品在大量生产的情况下会更便宜,产量上升,成本就下降。)

16、You know that some countries are selling this kind of products at cheap pricesin large quantities.(您知道有的国家对这种商品正在削价抛售。)

17、You should never use any over-the-counter drug on a regular, continued basis orin large quantities, except on your doctor's advice.(除了医生的建议,你不应该定期、持续或大量使用任何非处方药物。)

18、The liquidity explosion has helped us all by putting easy moneyin large quantities into our customers' pockets...(流动性爆发让我们的客户口袋里有了大量的钱,这间接地帮助了我们。)

19、The reason for constructing the buildings from wood is probably that ideally proportioned straight and slender timber was availablein large quantities in Scandinavia's vast pine forests.(用木材建造建筑的原因可能是,比例理想、笔直、纤细的木材在斯堪的纳维亚广阔的松林中大量存在。)

20、She said the instant products were not importedin large quantities.(不过她最后说,KingCar公司并没有大量进口上述产品。)

21、Wholesale eis the sale of goodsin large quantities for resale.(批发就是为转卖而进行的大量货物销售。)

22、How can you best convey data, usually expressedin large quantities, intended for reading online?(如何最好地传递数据?这通常是大批量在线阅览。)

23、Nuts and seeds are high in calories, however, so don't eat themin large quantities.(然而,它们的卡路里很高,所以不要大量进食。)

24、Inorganic arsenic, on the other hand, can prove deadly if ingestedin large quantities.(另一方面,如果摄取大量的无机砷则有可能致死。)

25、They always purchasein large quantities.(他们老是大量采办。)

26、Next, you infect the tobacco plant with the bacterium. Inside the plant, the protein is producedin large quantities.(接着,用这种细菌来感染烟草叶,这种蛋白在烟草叶中就会大量的合成。)

27、Producedin large quantities it can harm among other things the brain and the immune system.(然而过多数量就会对大脑、免疫系统和其它部位产生坏处。)

28、Yet consider the phrase "sugaring the pill" : pills are medicine and as such are poisonousin large quantities.(然而,考虑“给药片加上糖衣”的说法:药片是药,并且其本身在大剂量下是有毒的。)

in large quantities 基本释义

in large quantities


in large quantities分字造句
