
Journey to the West

拼音 Journey to the West 怎么读

类型 英语造句

Journey to the West的造句


1、There's a scene inJourney to the West where CAI changes an original scene so that the characters are supposedly actors...

1、There's a scene inJourney to the West where CAI changes an original scene so that the characters are supposedly actors.(西游记里原来有一幕,蔡志忠把它做了修正,让那些角色俨然是演员正在做演出。)

2、As far as today, a lot of secrets still remain in theJourney to the West of the famous monk.(直到今天,关于这位唐朝僧人的西行历程,还存在着许多不为人知的秘密。)

3、The author of "theJourney to the West" expressed his outlook on talent through the vivid fairy tale.(《西游记》作者通过形象化的神话故事,表达了自己的人才观。)

4、By readingJourney to the West, let us understand that a tenacious spirit.(通过阅读西游记,让我们了解到了一种顽强拼搏的精神。)

5、I finished reading the bookJourney to the West.(我读完了《西游记》这本书。)

6、Fantastic talk culture first rose and prevailed in the Internet with the film of Fantastic talk about theJourney to the West.(以电影《大话西游》为肇始的大话文化是由网络兴起并借网络流行开来。)

7、He is a hero in the novel calledJourney to the West.(他是长篇小说《西游记》中的英雄人物。)

8、The story is based on the earliest chapters of the classic storyJourney to the West.(故事改编于中国经典名著《西游记》的早期篇章。)

9、However the research of theJourney to the West seldom talk about the carnival spirit in the text.(然而,在《西游记》的诸多研究论著中,很少有人提及《西游记》文本中的狂欢精神。)

10、AJourney to the West is highly praised by critics of literature.(《西游记》受到文学评论家很高的赞誉。)

11、The master and his three disciples continued theirJourney to the West to fetch scriptures.(船长和他的三个弟子继续他们的旅程,到西方去获取经文。)

12、At noon, I saw "Journey to the West", which is a very very good-looking classic drama.(中午,我看了《西游记》,这是一部非常好看非常经典的电视剧。)

13、Oh, that's howJourney to the West, one of the four greatest ancient Chinese novels was written.(哦,原来中国古代四大名著之一《西游记》是这么来的。)

14、Journey to the West "colorful story to the" Dream West has provided endless extension of space.(西游记丰富多彩的故事情节给梦幻西游提供了无穷的延伸空间。)

15、Xu Datong told his son the story ofJourney to the West story because he thought Chinese culture is valuable.(许大同给儿子讲《西游记》的故事,认为西游记是中国文化的宝贵财富。)

16、Everywhere here is related toJourney to the West.(这里处处都和《西游记》有关。)

17、He made aJourney to the Western regions and opened an overland route connecting the East and the West.(他去了西部,开辟了一条连接东西方的陆路。)

18、When Zhou Xinfang was in Shanghai, he had performed many dramas in chapter such asJourney to the West.(周信芳先生在上海时排了许多连台本戏,比如《西游记》。)

19、It's an episode from one of China's literary classics, a novel calledJourney to the West.(是中国的古典文学名著—小说《西游记》中的一段情节。)

20、Ironically though, it is wat the storyJourney to the West is all about, nothing great comes easy I guess.(但是具有讽刺意味的,这就是西游记故事的全部,我想没有伟大的事是轻易成功的。)

21、Four years later, he began to learn to perform the Monkey King, a traditional character from the Chinese classic storyJourney to the West.(四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。)

Journey to the West 基本释义

Journey to the West

Journey to the West分字造句
