
half brother

拼音 half brother 怎么读

类型 英语造句

half brother的造句


1、With hishalf brother steadying him, he began to tread the sandy footpaths of his youth, this time wearing a pair of $1...

1、With hishalf brother steadying him, he began to tread the sandy footpaths of his youth, this time wearing a pair of $135 Air Jordans.(在同父异母的哥哥的搀扶下,他开始踏上少年时代的沙地,这一次他穿了一双价值135美元的飞人乔丹鞋。)

2、Mike is my mum's son from her first family, so he is myhalf brother.(麦克是我妈妈第一次婚姻生的儿子,他是我同母异父的哥哥。)

3、The rest had been selflessly distributed to his wife, six children, half-brother and grandsons in the form of licences and monopolies, usually handed out for nothing.(其它的都以特许经营和垄断的形式,分给了他的妻子、6个孩子、同父异母的兄弟和孙子,通常都是免费给他们的。)

4、Malik Obama: Age 50. Malik met his half-brother Barack in 1985.(马利克·奥巴马:50岁,他和他的兄弟巴拉克在1985年见过面。)

5、Therefore, when he was 12, Benjamin was sent to assist his half-brother James who had a printing shop.(因此,12岁那年,本杰明就被送到同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯的印刷店工作。)

6、When, 18 years later, Lysimachus died, she married her half-brother, Ptolemy Keraunus.(18岁时,莱西马库斯去世,她改嫁给了同父异母的兄弟托勒密·克劳努斯。)

7、The finished product is a convoluted plot involving a boy (Fred Savage) who kidnaps his disabled half-brother and travels cross-country with him, Rainman-style.(这部作品情节很绕,大概是说一个男孩子绑架了他同父异母(同母异父)的弟弟,和他周游世界,有点《雨人》的味道。结果他发现这个弟弟在玩任天堂游戏上有着过人的天赋。)

8、After talking to him for a while, he tells his daughter she can't do it because he's herhalf brother.(经过一番交谈,他告诉女儿她不能和他结婚,因为这是他同父异母的兄弟。)

9、Sylvie put down the novel she was reading and gathered her six-year-oldhalf brother onto her lap.(西尔维放下正在读的小说,把她同父异母的六岁弟弟抱到自己的大腿上。)

10、There are few buses, and Mr. Khan and hishalf brother, Gatluak, spent two days trying to find a car to hire.(这里几乎没有公交车,可汉和他的哥哥盖特华特,花了两天时间才租到车。)

11、While in the mountains, Hagrid discovered he had ahalf brother living there, and decided to bring him home to Hogwarts.(在山区的时候,海格发现他有一个同母异父的兄弟住在那里,就决定把他带回到霍格沃茨。)

12、Amid the swirl of rumour, news of real shifts occasionally wafts out, as it did on March 27th, when King Abdullah appointed his half-brother, Prince Nayef, as his second deputy prime minister.(就像3月27日国王阿卜杜拉任命其同父异母兄弟纳耶夫王子为第二副首相的时候一样,关于王位的更迭,虽然谣言四起,但宫内偶尔也能传出真实的消息。)

13、Obama'shalf brother happy to live in China.(奥巴马同父异母弟弟在中国幸福生活。)

14、Gilbert'shalf brother Sir Walter Raleigh continued in his work.(吉尔伯特同母异父的弟弟沃尔特·雷利继承了他的事业。)

15、A White House spokesman declined to comment on the interview or discuss Obama's relationship with his half-brother.(一名白宫发言人谢绝评论该访谈或谈论奥巴马与这位异母兄弟的关系。)

16、The author of the life records the names of but two of his children, John and his half-brother Cosmas.(作者的人生记录的姓名,但他的两个孩子,约翰和他的同父异母兄弟科斯马斯。)

17、Mike is my Mom's son from her first marriage. He's my half-brother.(麦克是我妈妈第一次婚姻是生的孩子,他是我同父异母的哥哥。)

18、Thehalf brother of Thor.(索尔同父异母的兄弟。)

19、Portia, orphaned at 16, goes to London to stay with her half-brother and his wife.(波西娅在16岁时成为孤儿,之后去伦敦与她同父异母的哥哥及其妻子一起生活,成了一个局外人。)

20、Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to hishalf brother James.(年轻的本。富兰克林通过给他同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯那里当学徒而学会了印刷的手艺。)

21、"I suppose it helps, when escaping from Death Eaters, if you've got a sixteen-foot-highhalf brother?" asked Lee.(“我猜想,在逃避食死徒的追捕时,如果你有个身高十六英尺的同母异父兄弟,应该有点帮助吧?”李问道。)

22、Young ben franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to hishalf brother lames.(小班·富兰克林借着到他同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯那里当学徒,而学会了印刷手艺。)

23、I was planning on telling him that my dad had told me earlier that he was myhalf brother.(我是想告诉他我爸之前告诉我他算是我半个哥哥。)

24、Thousands of miles away in Kenya, his half-brother will be facing a rather different audience in a Nairobi courtroom.(而在数千英里之外的肯尼亚,他同父异母的弟弟将在奈洛比法庭面对各式各样的观众。)

25、But if someone shows up and tells you he is your half-brother and that you are obligated to bail him out… well, the bonds are not solid enough for Germans to bail out Greeks.(不过,如果这时出来一个人,声称是你的异母兄弟,并称你有义务帮助他的话......这种联系的坚实程度并不足以让德国人帮助希腊。)

26、Obama: I met withhalf brother in China.(奥巴马:我在中国见到了同父异母的弟弟。)

27、Lucas reports that Viola regularly beat him and his half-brother, often for no reason.(卢卡斯还说,维奥拉常常毫无理由的殴打他和另一位异姓兄弟。)

half brother 基本释义

half brother

英 [hɑ:f ˈbrʌðə] 美 [hæf ˈbrʌðɚ] 


half brother分字造句
