
decision point

拼音 decision point 怎么读

类型 英语造句

decision point的造句


1、The join node waits for the completion of these two parallel routes before advancing to the seconddecision point.(连接点等...

1、The join node waits for the completion of these two parallel routes before advancing to the seconddecision point.(连接点等待着两条平行路线都完成,然后进入第二个决策点。)

2、The tester identifies thedecision points in the test suite workflow and creates a decision test script for eachdecision point.(测试人员识别测试套件流中的决策点,并为每一个决策点建立一个决策测试脚本。)

3、The number of rules involved in eachdecision point and the frequency of rule updates.(每个决策点中涉及的规则数量和规则的更新频率。)

4、Several companies provide commercial policydecision point and policy enforcement point solutions, including IBM.(有几家公司提供了商业策略决策点和策略强制实施点解决方案,这些公司包括Oblix、Netegrity、IBM和许多其它公司。)

5、When adecision point is reached in the testing process, the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action.(在测试过程中当达到一个决策点时,测试人员会检查aut的状态并决定测试活动。)

6、Create decision connectors for the firstdecision point.(在第一个决策点创建决策连接器。)

7、The figure also shows adecision point, validation successful?(图中还包含一个决策点校验是否成功?)

8、Eachdecision point can be specified with a decision table.(每一个决策点都可以用一个决策表来指定。)

9、Said invented system includes service server, service scheduling unit SB and service strategydecision point SPDF.(本发明系统包括:业务服务器、业务调度单元SB和业务策略决策点SPDF。)

10、Fan in is always partnered with a Fan Out in the same flow and ACTS as adecision point for when to continue flow execution.(扇入总是与扇出一起出现在相同流中,并作为何时继续执行流的判定点。)

11、The complexity of thedecision point orchestration.(决策点业务流程的复杂性。)

12、In a complete authentication system, you still need to write a policydecision point to decide if a user may access a Web page.(在完整的认证系统中,您仍需要编写策略决策点,以确定用户是否可以访问web页面。)

13、Each rule project contains the rule artifacts related to itsdecision point, as well as its own simple rule flow.(每个规则项目包含与其决策点相关的规则项目以及其自身的简单规则流。)

14、To implement adecision point, the tester must do the following.(为了执行一个决策点,测试人员需要完成以下工作。)

15、In addition to thedecision point configuration, it's also possible to set a timeout value for Fan in.(除判定点配置外,还可以设置扇入的超时值。)

16、As this article shows, the APIs that your blog server supports are an equally importantdecision point.(从本文可以看到,您的博客服务器支持的API与决策考虑因素同等重要。)

17、The conditions specified at adecision point are used to generate the corresponding decision table.(决策点列出的条件用来产生通讯的决策表。)

18、Adecision point is the point in the description where an actor must make a decision or provide additional information.(决定点是在描述中参与者必须作出决定或者提供额外信息的那个点。)

19、Thedecision point will automatically route the work package to a branch based on the result of the decision rule at runtime.(决策点在运行时根据决策规则的结果自动将工作包传送到某一个分支。)

20、Integration with a policydecision point.(与策略决策点的集成。)

21、A system that supports XACML is composed of two primary components: a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and a Policydecision point (PDP).(支持XACML的系统由两个主要组件构成:策略执行点(PolicyEnforcementPoint,pep)和策略决策点(PolicyDecisionPoint,pdp)。)

22、Figure 5 USES a circle as adecision point, as well as a diamond.(图5同时使用圆形和菱形作为判定点。)

23、decision point 1: claim amount.(决策点1:索赔金额。)

24、It was adecision point.(那是一个决策点。)

25、There comes thisdecision point were failure means, you let go.(选择自我放弃就意味着,你在心理上或者生理上放弃了。)

26、decision point 2: accept or reject.(决策点2:接受或拒绝。)

27、The seconddecision point evaluates a workflow variable Approve.(第二个决策点计算工作流变量批准(Approve)。)

28、Create decision connectors for the seconddecision point.(为第二个决策点创建决策连接器。)

decision point 基本释义

decision point

英 [diˈsiʒən pɔint] 美 [dɪˈsɪʒən pɔɪnt] 


decision point分字造句
