energy channel的造句
1、We need willpower to channel our Qi, our spiritual energy.(我们需要自己的意志力来运气,我们的精神能量。)2、To promote the diversification of...
1、We need willpower to channel our Qi, our spiritual energy.(我们需要自己的意志力来运气,我们的精神能量。)
2、To promote the diversification of energy import and construct the land-based safeenergy channel has became China's inevitable choice to walk out of the energy difficult position.(促进能源进口多元化,构建能源陆上安全通道已成为中国走出能源困境的必然选择。)
3、By looking at the big picture, it helps you realize what does matter and what doesn't so that you can then channel your energy accordingly.(着眼大局可以帮助你看清什么更重要,然后你可以根据重要性重新分配精力。)
4、If you can channel your over abundance of red hot energy in constructive directions you could achieve a great deal.(如果你能将自己过盛的精力用于有建设性的方向上,你将成就极大。)
5、Rather than fear the consequences, clients and consultancies should work together to channel creative energy into viable results.(而不是担心后果的,客户及顾问应该携手合作渠道,创造性地把能量转化为可行的结果。)
6、Thus raising your vibrational level and exiting the emotion so as to not get caught into it, by doing so you will find better ways to channel this energy such as writing.(因此,提升你的振动能级及情绪的退出速度而不至于深陷其中,这样做你会发现如写信等引导精力的更好方法。)
7、The meridian system is a transmission channel of energy and information which can only be transported by a soliton.(指出经络系统是能量和信息的传输通道,且能量与信息在其中只能以孤立子的形式传输。)
8、Undoubtedly, most of the kids will channel their energy into study rather than fantasy.(无疑孩子们将更可能将他们的精力注入到学习而不是幻想中。)
9、The best thing is to channel your energy into dealing with tricky problems that you can attack with vigour.(最好的事就是把能量都花在处理狡猾的麻烦上,你会带着活力出手。)
10、You don’t try to control your energy; you channel it instead(你不试图去控制你的能量,相反你会去疏导)
11、How we see things affects how much energy we have for doing things and our choices about where to channel what energy we do have.(我们如何看事情影响了我们可以拥有多少能量来处理事情以及选择如何运用我们的能量。)
12、If we work together, we trust each other and, if we can channel this energy in the right direction, we can do fantastic things in TB!(如果我们团结起来,相互信任,如果我们能够将这些力量导向正确的方向,我们将会在结核病方面做出卓越的工作!)
13、Forcing a cool material to flow can generate excessive shear energy and localized degradation in the screw's flow channel.(强迫一种冷的材料流动会产生极大地剪切能,并在螺杆的流道中产生降解。)
14、The attunement seems to turn on the student's ability to channel Reiki and there is a noticeable difference in the strength of healing energy students have before and after the attunement.(在之和谐似乎打开了学生的能力,渠道和有灵气,在学生愈合能源实力有明显差距前后之和谐的。)
15、Shock waves can form when energy is quickly put into a confined channel; weak shock waves can be formed as trains enter tunnels.(当能量在瞬间通过一个限制性通道时,冲击波就会形成;火车在穿越隧道时就能产生微弱的冲击波。)
16、After the available energy is redistributed, the healer will often channel universal background energy into the patient's aura as an extra reserve for the patient to use at will.(重新分配有用能量之后,疗愈者将会时常传递宇宙背景能量进入病人的光环作为病人随意使用的额外储备。)
17、The energy is enveloped in a plasma containment sphere shaped by emitter cowls that channel the sonic beam.(引导声波束的发射罩形成等离子体禁闭球,将能量包裹在球体中。)
18、Q. Is it possible to channel that anxious energy into better performance?(有没有可能将因焦虑耗费的精力用于创造更好的表现?)
19、The test system has many advantage such as high speed, highenergy channel resolution, high reliability, high extendibility and low cost.(整个测试系统具有高速、高能道分辨率、高可靠性、可扩展性强和低成本等优点。)
20、When we do this, we channel a negative habit into a creative process, thus using our energy to change the world around us in a positive way.(当我们这样做时,我们将一个消极的习惯引导向一个创造性的过程,因此我们在用一种积极的方式用我们的精力改变我们周围的世界。)
21、In fact, the researchers say that such behaviors serve a temporary purpose when we're not able to channel our energy more productively.(研究人员表示,事实上,当人们无法充分释放自己的能量来做成一些事情时,这些行为可以暂时帮助人们排解。)
22、Channel your energy into decorating or household chores.(花费精力装饰自己的家庭。)
23、Their creators believe the spheres channel and amplify sounds and one's own energy.(创造者们认为,这些球体能传递并加强声音和自己的能量。)
24、In order to avoid committing felonies, I determined to channel my reckless energy into something constructive.(为了避免再次犯有重罪,我决定把自己鲁莽的精力引向去做一些有益的事情。)
25、Now the channel relationship wastes lots of resources and energy, which not only influences the realization of the goals, but also fails to meet the needs of the consumers.(这种渠道关系现状消耗了双方大量的资源和精力,既不利于双方经营目标的实现,也不利于高质量的满足消费者的需求。)
energy channel 基本释义
energy channel