
the only child

拼音 the only child 怎么读

类型 英语造句

the only child的造句


1、Jane Fairfax was an orphan,the only child of Mrs. Bates's youngest daughter.(简·费尔法克斯是个孤儿,贝茨太太小女儿的独生女。)2、Some foreign u...

1、Jane Fairfax was an orphan,the only child of Mrs. Bates's youngest daughter.(简·费尔法克斯是个孤儿,贝茨太太小女儿的独生女。)

2、Some foreign universities are refusing applications from "China one,"the only child in a family, due to their weak self-care ability, the Jiangnan Times reported.(据《江南时报》报道,由于部分中国独生子女自理能力较差,国外一些大学日前明确表示拒收。)

3、First, it is good forthe only child to have a sister or brother, so that the child can learn to share things.(第一,对于独生子女来说,有个兄弟姐妹是好的,这样孩子就能学会分享东西。)

4、A new node is created first asthe only child of the container node.(首先创建的新节点作为容器节点的惟一子级。)

5、Our Walker is 2 and a half, and he is notthe only child diagnosed with diabetes.(我们的沃克现在2岁半,而他并不是唯一一个患糖尿病的孩子。)

6、It is very nice to bethe only child; you don't need to share or grab things from others.(当独生子女很好,不用东西共用,也不用抢别人的,你是家里唯一的宝。)

7、Duat isthe only child in his family who was affected by his father’s exposure to Agent Orange during the war.(阿照是家里的独子,因其父曾暴露在落叶剂中,他也受到了影响。)

8、The Edsel was named for Edsel Ford,the only child of company founder Henry Ford.(Edsel是以福特汽车公司创始亨利·福特的独子EdselFord的名字来命名的。)

9、Barack Obama isthe only child born of Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.(巴拉克·奥巴马是斯坦利·安·丹穆和老巴拉克·奥巴马的唯一的孩子。)

10、Hughes grew up in Hickory, North Carolina,the only child of older parents of modest means — his father was a paper salesman; his mother, a former public-school teacher.(Hughes在北卡罗莱纳的海克里长大,作为独生孩子,他是谨慎的父母老年所得,这也就是说——他的父亲是一名纸业销售员,他的母亲则是前公共学校的老师。)

11、Of course, part of the reason we assume only children are spoiled is that whatever parents have to give,the only child gets it all.(当然,我们假定独生子女被宠坏的部分理由是,唯一的孩子想要得到的一切,无论是什么,父母都会给予。)

12、I'll live with my parents. You know, I'mthe only child in my family.(我将和父母住在一起。你知道,我是家里唯一的孩子。)

13、Therefore, compared with the children who have brother or sister,the only child would feel lonelier.(因此,和那些有兄弟姐妹的孩子相比,独生子女会感觉更孤独。)

14、I amthe only child in my family, so my parents give me all the things.(我是家中唯一的孩子,因此父母给予了我一切东西。)

15、The core family members are mother, father, and you if your parents only have one child or you arethe only child.(如果你父母只生了一个小孩或你是独生女,你的核心家庭成员就是妈妈,爸爸和你。)

16、The young Irene Pepperberg was notthe only child to have been enthralled by the "Dr Dolittle" stories, in which a doctor is taught the language of animals by his parrot.(年幼的IrenePepperberg和许多孩子一样曾都对《怪医杜立德》着迷不已。在这个故事中,杜立德医生在其饲养的鹦鹉的教学下,学会了动物语言。)

17、The parents are easy to pay all their attention tothe only child, so they will spoil the child naturally.(父母很容易就会把他们所有的注意力都放在独生子女身上,很自然地,他们会溺爱孩子。)

18、According to some social surveys, we can see thatthe only child in most Chinese families feels lonely in some ways.(从一些社会调查中我们可以看到,大部分中国家庭的独生子女在某些方面感到孤独。)

19、They are boththe only child in their family. Their parents aren’t against their being together, but both wish their kid being at home.(作为家里的独生子女,双方父母不反对他们在一起,但都希望儿女能回到自己的身边。)

20、The parents are easily to focus their all attention tothe only child, they want to give all the things he wants.(父母很容易会把他们的注意力集中在独生子女身上,他们想要给予孩子所要的一切。)

21、I amthe only child in my family, my parents give me all the things I want and I don't feel like missing anything.(我是家里唯一的孩子,我的父母给了我所想要的一切东西,我觉得自己没有缺什么东西。)

22、No matter how many brothers and sisters, each one isthe only child, this is the parents and children.(无论有几个兄弟姐妹,每一个都是独生子女,这就是父母与孩子。)

the only child 基本释义

the only child

the only child分字造句
