1、The nation had been buffeted by awave of strikes.(罢工浪潮使这个国家受到了重创。)2、He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic andw...
1、The nation had been buffeted by awave of strikes.(罢工浪潮使这个国家受到了重创。)
2、He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic andwave the people on.(他等着一位警察来让车辆停下,挥手让众人前行。)
3、The crisis has set off awave of nationalist feelings in Quebec.(这场危机已经在魁北克掀起了一个民族独立情绪的浪潮。)
4、The driver gave me awave and a toot.(这个司机冲我挥手并鸣喇叭。)
5、He greeted them with awave and a broad smile.(他咧嘴笑着挥手和他们打招呼。)
6、He dismissed her with an airywave.(他随意一挥手就把她打发走了。)
7、Awave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.(一股迷信的恐惧浪潮在城里人中蔓延。)
8、The country is in the grip of a teenage crimewave.(青少年犯罪的激增让该国陷入困境。)
9、Awave of fear swept over him.(一阵恐惧传遍他的全身。)
10、Why did youwave at him?(你为什么向他招手?)
11、He gave us awave as the bus drove off.(公共汽车开走时他向我们挥了挥手。)
12、She declined the offer with awave of her hand.(她摆了摆手谢绝了这一提议。)
13、There's been awave of profiteering and corruption.(曾有一股投机倒把和腐败之风。)
14、His boat hit awave and somersaulted.(他的船撞上了一个波浪,翻了。)
15、A nauseouswave of pain broke over her.(一阵由疼痛带来的恶心感向她袭来。)
16、She was apt to raise her voice andwave her hands about.(她常常提高嗓门并挥舞双手。)
17、Awave of panic spread through the crowd.(一阵恐慌传遍人群。)
18、Steve stopped him with awave of the hand.(史蒂夫把手一挥,制止了他。)
19、Panic on the stock market set off awave of selling.(股市恐慌引发了一轮抛售潮。)
20、The thirdwave was so strong it knocked me backwards.(第3个浪头如此猛烈,把我击得往后退。)
21、Awave of nausea swept over her.(她觉得一阵恶心。)
22、He was washed overboard by a hugewave.(一个巨浪把他从船上掀进海里。)
23、wave afterwave of aircraft passed overhead.(一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。)
24、Chris Retzler has built a prototype of a machine called thewave rotor.(克里斯·雷兹勒做出了一台叫做波转子的样机。)
25、Schools are riding awave of renewed public interest.(各校重新受益于公众的关注。)
26、Awave of tiredness swept over her.(她感到浑身疲惫。)
27、He raised his hand towave.(他举起手来挥动。)
28、He beckoned her over with awave.(他挥手让她过去。)
29、Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band.(短波收音机用的波段是20–50米。)
wave 基本释义
英 [weɪv] 美 [wev]
名词: waver 过去式: waved 过去分词: waved 现在分词: waving 第三人称单数: waves